Identify complacency.
Keep people safe.

"Startup Inviol uses AI to spot safety issues in the workplace."




Years of working without incident nurtures complacency. inviol can identify high-risk behaviour, notify the team and enable a safer work culture.
Workplace injuries cost 4% of global GDP each year.
80% could be avoided by simply following H&S policies.
AI-driven monitoring ensures you've taken all practical steps to protect yourself and your team 24/7.
Privacy is built in. We don't believe in live streaming or unannounced dropins. Only high-risk events are uploaded to the cloud.
Meet inviol, the AI-driven health & safety coach.
inviol can reduce the risk of injury by continuously coaching teams to follow health & safety best practices without invading personal privacy. Check out how it works.

Personalise protocol & policies

Quickly map an area to monitor, then drag and drop pre-configured or custom health & safety rules you would like to see tracked. For example, must wear PPE in this area.

Identifying high risk events

inviol's AI system will monitor the video feed 24/7 for the safety policies you have set up and determine anytime a breach occurs.

Notifying the team

Notifications are configurable. Each person can be notified for different events based on their likelihood and severity. Get alerts as push notifications, emails, or SMS messages.

Team coaching and development

Reinforcement quickly removes H&S complacency from the workplace. The app makes staff aware of any policy breach which can be seen in the app. inviol enables instant coaching.

View results and reports

Powerful reporting tools and integrations like PowerBI enable viewing the results of the system easily. Without any extra work, saving time and money.

Partners & Customers
"Detection of unsafe behaviour enables us to put an education plan in place to teach operators about safer practices, this leads to a reduction of incidents"
James Wells - CIO, Vulcan Steel

Ensure safety on the back of the truck or in the warehouse - anywhere, any time.
Tools now exist to identify and remove complacency to ensure teams are keeping safe while loading and unloading at work. inviol can monitor the back of a truck, the warehouse, manufacturing sites, or wherever you feel risk assessment is required. Check out some policy examples below.

PPE Compliance
It's easy to forget your helmet or hi-vis when things get busy. Notify staff when safety equipment is missing to avoid worst case scenarios should something go wrong.
Active Loading Zones
Ensure loading and unloading zones are clear from people or other objects when forklifts or cranes are operating. Set your proximity limits and let the system do the rest.

Overhead Load Detector
Heavy loads overhead are particularly high risk while working. Setup detectors to ensure suspended loads aren't being carried too close to people or important equipment.
Behavioural Safety
People naturally take the path of least resistance, which often isn't the safest. Our array of behavioural detectors is growing and can monitor a range of movements, such as forgetting to use the ladder when dismounting the truck.

Area Controls
Ensure the right people are in the right zones, not too close to dangerous machinery, and wearing the correct PPE.
Find out more about configuring your own protocols and procedures.
Self guided coaching.
Empower your team with the means to modify their own behaviour patterns without constant manager supervision or micromanagement. Reduce incidents, reduce inefficiencies and streamline operations.

Foster a culture free of complacency
Personalised notifications
Gift wrapped
Teams can review and comment on their own video events, learn from them and shed complacent habits. Two-way communication empowers teams while minimising on-site interpersonal conflicts.
Customised notifications tailored specifically for your teams. Notifications and escalations can be driven by location, vehicle type, severity and/or likelihood of incident.
Easily digestible data means more genuine insights with less effort. Metrics can be scaled down to review each individual event, or scaled up to assess overall company compliance.
Why take unnecessary risk? Doing more is easier than you think.
A company revolutionising
workplace safety.
We're a fast-growing company that can see a real opportunity to keep people safer at work. We’re at the forefront of AI development and have the tools to make a real bump in the health & safety tech space. Our fully configurable systems are ready to go, so just let us know what you need and we can get started.
If you want to chat more please don't hesitate to reach out via email or phone.